Pakkhus og levertran

Pakkhus og levertran
Brouwersgracht, like ved Korte Prinsengracht, ligger et gammelt pakkhus som nå brukes som bolig. På fasaden står det malt 'Hammerfest', en gang 2-3 m over bakken og nok en gang tvers over hele fasaden på høyde med 3. etasje. Bilde av et fotografi henger i rådhuset i Hammerfest.
Litt detektivarbeid avslørte at Hammerfest kommune var i besittelse av et bilde av dette pakkhuset i Amsterdam med deres navn på fasaden. En e-mail til kommunen resulterte i et bilde av samme fotografi, slik det nå ligger på min webside. Sporty gjort!
Brouwersgracht, like ved Korte Prinsengracht
Ikke glem at du er i Amsterdam
Pakkhuset ligger på N-siden av Brouwersgracht, like ved hjørnet av Korte Prinsengracht.


De Twee Stokvissen
De Twee Stokvissen
A brief history.
For a century and a half, from 1821 to i97í, the firm of A. Smit & Zoon was housed in the building called 'De Twee Stokvischen' on Amsterdam's Brouwersgracht. When the company moved to Weesp in 1971, it changed not only in outward appearance but also in many essential aspects of the business itself.
In 1967 A. Smit & Zoon had given up the trade in stockfish, while some years prior to this cod liver oil had become a major item in the company's product range. At that time, too, other types of fish oil increasingly found their way to the Amsterdam-based firm, whose activities turned more and more towards the blending and purifying of the different oils to specification. After the move to Weesp, A. Smit & Zoon started to concentrate on special fish oil products for the animal feed and leather industries. As a result of this specialization, the firm grew and flourished in Weesp. And it also underwent major organizational changes in its new home. The research department, in particular, played an important role in the company's expansion. In the early nineteeneighties, the company started to develop synthetic tanning agents for the leather industry. A factory was built in Amersfoort specifically to produce them. Product development has continued unabated into the nineteen-nineties and now, at the end of the twentieth century, A. Smit & Zoon has grown into a modern company supplying top quality products to industry, and occupying a leading position in the market.

Varemerke Smit
Varemerke A. Smit & Zoon
Fa. A. Smit & Zoon var så vennlig å sende meg sin jubileumsbok, utgitt ved firmaets 175-års jubileum. Noen av tekstene er overtatt av denne boken.

Link til Herman Smit i Rotterdam

Herman Smit & Zoon BV er kanskje den siste tørrfiskhandleren i Nederland...

Herman Smit & Zoon BV has been a leading stockfish specialist for more than 175 years. As early as 1821, the family in Amsterdam was running a stockfish business. An existing trading company on the Brouwersgracht was taken over.
Se også historie.

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